Valentine's Day makes me want to craft. It makes me want to create little pieces of handmade goodness to give away and say, I love you. It reminds me of years past, many years past. Remember giving a valentine to all your classmates in primary school? And the classic candy hearts with stamped messages on them. And plucking out all your favourite ones. I can't recall a February that didn't include a candy dish chock full of those little hearts.
Here's a few really simple craft ideas from Martha Stewart. I definitely remember crayon shavings and wax paper craft back in the day. Oh the simple joys. Go forth and make something! Gather with friends or sit down with your kids and create loving goodness to give to your loved ones, and have fun doing it!
1.Crayon Hearts
2.Lacy Votive Holder
3.Heart-shaped Soap
4.Bonbon-filled Hearts
{all images: Martha Stewart}
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